Wedding Photographers |
Wedding Photographers |
Wedding Photographers
The You should shoot all the time, you're going to make mistakes. Just take pictures of anyone and anything. Once you've picked up your camera and a lens, I recommend you shoot.
For more info on cameras and technical specs you can check out The 40D won't go to waste, you'll use it as a backup camera later on. For know the 40d or any similar DSLR will do. Don't worry about the biggest and the best cameras, once you get better and you know what you're doing you can spend some serious money on a pro body. Then pick yourself up a cheap DSLR, preferably something like a used Canon 40D for under $500 and a cheap 50mm lens.
Wedding Photographers |
Get yourself a good photo book and learn the basics. They're not that complicated, f-stops, aperture, iso speed. If your main income too will be your camera, then learn it inside and out. Step number one in becoming a wedding photographer is to read.
So these are my quick and easy steps to becoming a wedding photographer. So in the next few paragraphs you'll get my tips on how to break in the business. I've always enjoyed weddings so a few years ago I decided to supplement my income by doing some wedding photography.
If you can make money at it, wouldn't that be great. if we can see it, we can shoot. It's not that difficult, a camera is basically an extension of our eyes. We've all taken a picture of someone at some point in our life.